Discontinue - определение. Что такое Discontinue
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Что (кто) такое Discontinue - определение

¦ verb (discontinues, discontinuing, discontinued) stop doing, providing, or making.
discontinuance noun
discontinuation noun
·vi To be separated or severed; to Part.
II. Discontinue ·vi To lose continuity or cohesion of parts; to be disrupted or broken off.
III. Discontinue ·vt To interrupt the continuance of; to intermit, as a practice or habit; to put an end to; to cause to cease; to cease using, to stop; to leave off.
v. a.
Intermit, stop, cease, interrupt, quit, break off, leave off, put an end to.
Примеры произношения для Discontinue
1. to discontinue to being able to discontinue,
Brian Druker _ Talks at Google
2. They were gonna discontinue it.
Engines of Change _ Paul Ingrassia _ Talks at Google
3. the patient discontinues insulin, the blood sugar
Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes _ James Shapiro _ Talks at Google
4. We wish you to feel free to discontinue the expedition
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965)
5. voted to discontinue offensive operations in North America.
Invisible Armies _ Max Boot _ Talks Google
Примеры употребления для Discontinue
1. Discontinue subscription to publications that you no longer read.
2. It would be helpful if Abe would discontinue visiting Yasukuni.
3. Amichai said the decision comes after program organizers decided to discontinue its operation.
4. "The claimant has agreed to discontinue a claim against a number of named individuals.
5. "And our goal is for Australia to discontinue pressuring Muslims, especially in Iraq," Rois allegedly said.